Why did you choose a career in aesthetics? Odds are, you love the idea of being a transformative part of a person’s journey to radiant skin. You probably enjoy seeing a client’s confidence flourish as their skin appearance changes and improves. You might even appreciate the trust that can build between you and your clients as you develop their personalized aesthetic plan. All of these elements are dependent on one vital step: the initial aesthetic consultation.
Aesthetic consultations play a vastly important role in achieving optimal skincare results for your clients, and at Sylton, our mission is to revolutionize your skin visualizations through the most advanced tools and technology.
We believe the highest quality aesthetic consultations occur face-to-face, with the opportunity to closely examine your client’s skin. Being able to listen to your client’s aesthetic concerns while simultaneously observing the skin itself will give you a more comprehensive overview of each client’s specific needs. However, how we observe and assess our clients’ skin must be precise.
A meticulous and in-depth aesthetic consultation is revolutionary. From your detailed visualization results, you will be able to develop the most personalized and effective experience, which will lead to both a strong aesthetic plan and a strong relationship with your patient.
At Sylton, we have developed powerful technology that allows for precision in skin visualization every time. Our Observ 320 and 520x machines elevate every aesthetic consultation by providing images of the different skin layers and components.
Let’s explore how our technology works. Our Observ tools capture high-quality images of the different aspects of your client’s skin appearance. It uses ten different light modes to examine various aesthetic considerations more closely, giving you the most in-depth skin visualization. Skincare professional James Wang, MD (Los Angeles, California) describes how the preciseness of the Observ technology has expanded his practice. “From a medical perspective, we address things like rosacea, conditions that are not necessarily obvious at the surface of the skin just by looking at a lesion. Observ 520x gives us a much deeper understanding of what the issue is, guiding aesthetic options rather than us simply trying different things to see what works, which may take weeks.”
Using our technology, you also will be able to show these images to your clients themselves, giving them the most extensive information about what is happening beneath their skin surface. Observ 520x only needs ten seconds to capture ten images. Face positioning technology is also embedded in the Observ, making each image captured consistent. With the help of these user-friendly features, our goal is for you to be able to incorporate the Observ into your own workflow with ease.
Based on the precise imaging during your aesthetic consultation, you will be able to create a personalized plan for each client. You also will be able to reassure your clients that your approach is working, even if they cannot see a change right away. Makan Lajevardi, owner of Avissa Skin+Body, describes the changes his clients have been able to see using Observ.
“Clients cannot see the structural changes taking place in the skin after treatment, so being able to actually show them that the treatment and products are working helps inspire client confidence in our providers’ expertise.”
When it comes to aesthetic consultations, using high-quality imaging makes all the difference. Observ technology’s ability to capture your clients’ skin from five different angles using ten different light modes will guide you in thoroughly assessing your client’s aesthetic needs. Sylton is committed to continuing to develop the most cutting-edge technology, giving you the tools you need to establish client relationships, create personalized aesthetic plans, and instill confidence in your own expertise.